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Document Title: [Space Fury Tech.html (html file)]

Space Fury pinouts

Space Fury pinouts

Submitted by Mark Jenison (jenison@cig.mot.com)

These are the pinouts for Space Fury G-80 card cage system. These pinouts can be used in general for the Sega color XY games, but the controls pins (13-40) will likely be defined differently for the other games. These pins refer to the pins on the board set.


10-pin, side of cage

 1 - -12VDC
 2 - +12VDC
 3 - AC (3VAC)
 4 - GND
 5 - GND
 6 - GND
 7 - -5VDC
 8 - +5VDC
 9 - +5VDC
10 - +5VDC

Battlestar Sound Board

 1 - Audio out
 2 - Empty
 3 - Empty
 4 - Shield

Speech Board

 1 - Empty
 2 - Empty
 3 - Audio out
 4 - Shield
 5 - input from pin 1 of Battlestar Sound Board
 6 - Empty

X-Y Timing Board

 1 - Y
 2 - Shield
 3 - Empty
 4 - X

X-Y Control Board

 1 - Blue
 2 - Red
 3 - Empty
 4 - Green

CPU Board

 1 - Coin Counter B +
 2 - Coin Counter B (GND)
 3 - Coin Counter A +
 4 - Coin Counter A (GND)  
 5 - Coin Mech A (NO)
 6 - Coin Mech A (NC)
 7 - Coin Mech B (NO)
 8 - Coin Mech B (NC)
 9 - Service (NO)
10 - Service (NC)
11 - Reset (NO)
12 - Gnd (for coins, service and reset)
13 - Unused
14 - Unused
15 - Player 1
16 - Left
17 - Fire
18 - 
19 - Player 2
20 - Right
21 - Thrust
22 - Gnd (for controls)
23 - 
24 -
25 - 
26 - 
27 - 
28 - 
29 - 
30 - 
31 -
32 - 
33 - 
34 - 
35 - 
36 - 
37 - 
38 - 
39 - 
40 - 


- the coin inputs timed, so it may be difficult to credit.